Here are some designs inspired by, and celebrating the achievements of Maryam Toosi, the speedy female athlete, and holder of the Iranian national records for 100m, 200m, and 400m speed running for women. Click on each the image to zoom in.
Hoping to see more Iranian female athletes persevere in the face of many challenges they would have to overcome, and realize that the only limits to our true potential and abilities are very likely those we impose on ourselves.
Additional design sketches can be found below. Some of these might have an element of puzzle in them, and a couple of them are meant to provide a clue about others. In order to decipher what they say and gain a better perspective, you need to be able to read -- and in some cases understand -- Persian, English, and in a couple of cases, both languages. Hope you find these interesting, and feel free to comment or provide your feedback.
I like your designs and the fact that you have posted the process of creating some of the works, the wandering of the artists mind while creating the artwork.
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