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Friday, October 28, 2011

Ingenious Solutions from Nature

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I often think that the one thing that I can possibly know best in the whole wide world is "myself"(also see an earlier note on how we define ourselves) ... and I have come to realize that there are so many aspects to my thoughts, emotions, behavior, health, physical and mental functioning that are so mysterious to me, let alone what I may possibly know about what I do not consider my "self"!

See the book
In fact, quite often, I do not even have the time, energy, patience, or interest to know myself, if you know what I mean.  For instance, say I have a headache, and an overdue project.  My first reaction is likely to take a pill not to feel the pain, if it did not work, I may go to a doctor to give me a stronger pill.  I have no time, patience, or interest in trying to find out what my body is trying to tell me, cause I don't want to know, lest I might have to make some adjustments in my routines that I have been so accustomed to.

See the book
The media, modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry tap into and  encourage our lack of interest by showing us quick fixes and temporary solutions which basically put an end to our sensation of the discomfort, without taking away the cause.  And come to think of it, in a culture that is infatuated with money, it would be stupid for the pharmaceutical industry to help us heal, as they would be shooting themselves in the leg. Instead, they sell us drug A not to feel the discomfort, then drugs B, C and D to help with the symptoms caused by A, and on and on ... and that, my friend, is called modern medicine! as practiced in the so-called civilized world :)

But I guess there is a different way as well, if we are interested in the deeper  solutions and more meaningful answers.  Nature, can often provide us with clues, and those who have the wisdom, patience, and perseverance will find the way.  The following two clips, demonstrate some examples:

1. Meghalaya's Living Bridge : A bridge in Meghalaya in northeast, India, constructed by the living roots of fig trees.
2. Shaman's Apprentice : A fascinating documentary based on Mark Plotkin's book entitled Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice.

Ending with a beautiful recent live performance by Leonard Cohen of his magical song entitled Anthem. Enjoy!

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