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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diet, Health and Medical Industry

Recently, a good friend and colleague recommended that I watch an interesting documentary called Forks over Knives.  I just finished watching it and found it quite informative.  It is a revealing new documentary that examines the connection between a plant-based diet and a significant improvement in health.  Boston's Museum of Science recently had a private screening of the movie and hosted a panel discussion about the message of this movie.

Forks over Knives takes a close look at the link between dairy and animal-based diet and several forms of cancer as well as heart disease and diabetes, and features prominent scientists including Dr. T. Colin Campbell, (see here also) the author of the landmark book The China Study, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn formerly of Cleveland Clinic, and the author of the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.  The movie also explores the influence of pharmaceuticals as well as cattle and big agriculture industry on the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and its definition of a healthy diet.

If you are interested in your health, I highly recommend your watching Forks over Knives and contemplating its implications as related to your diet.  But don't simply stop there. There are other interesting documentaries that discuss the relationship between health, nutrition, and medical and pharmaceutical industry.  In the age of mass media, aided by the tools drawn from the public relations experts, it is rather simple to indoctrinate a whole population to believe anything, once you have enough cash at your disposal.  For example, watch this segment of another interesting documentary entitled Max Gerson Therapy - The Beautiful Truth.  The central theme of this movie is the nutrition-based therapy advocated by german physician, Max Gerson.

Among many other things, this movie traces some of the questionable practices in modern dentistry, including the questionable science behind water fluoridation (which is also documented in Christopher Bryson's book Fluoride Deception, which is the subject of this revealing interview with Fluoride Action Network) , as well as the use of mercury -- a toxic substance, no less -- in dental filling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A related topic that might also be interesting is the cell phone industry and its potential negative health impact. Here is a revealing interview with Professor Henri Li of University of Washington, Seattle, which is quite interesting:

Also, see the following movie: